
Dazzling mounds of yellow flowers with a deep brown center. Long blooming and unbothered by insects or drought. A Must in every garden! Mid summer blooming, thru fall. Very popular with good reason.

Planting Instructions

Plant seed outdoors as soon as ground can be worked in the spring. Cover seed lightly and space 35 cm (15 in) apart. For earlier blooms start seed 4 to 6 weeks prior to intended date of transplanting outside. Cover seed lightly with your starter mix and keep at 21 C (70 F). Maintain a uniform moisture level. Germination will occur in 7 to 10 days. Grow on at 16 C (60 F) once plants reach the 4 leaf stage. Fertilize every 2 weeks with 10-52-17 and liquid seaweed for strong healthy plants. Garden spacing 90 cm (36 in) apart.