
SH2 (75 Days)Actually gets sweeter after you pick it! Slow to convert its sugar to starch, great for freezing or sale. 25 cm (10 in) cobs have 14-16 well-filled rows. (SH2) Very sweet. “Crunchier” than other types. Longer shelf life than others.

Supersweet types (SH2) Must be isolated at least 100 feet or more from other corn of similar maturity to avoid cross-pollination.

Planting Instructions

Sow when danger of hard frost is past, in rows 1 m (36 in) apart, 4 cm (1 1/2 in) deep and about 3 seeds per 30 cm (12 in). Firm down soil. Seed prefers 15 C (60 F) for proper germination. Cultivate shallowly as roots are very close to the surface. As corn is a heavy feeder, apply 3258 Corn Fertilizer every 10 days up until harvest. A 50 gram package will sow approximately 20 m (60 ft) row.