
(SH2) (76 Days Bright white kernels with nice straight rows. Slightly tapered 20 cm (8in.) cobs with good tip fill. 16-18 straight rows of beautiful very sweet kernels! rnrn(SH2)rnVery sweet. “Crunchier� than other types. Longer shelf life than others.

Supersweet types (SH2) Must be isolated at least 100 feet or more from other corn of similar maturity to avoid cross-pollination.

Planting Instructions
Sow when danger of hard frost is past, in rows 1 m (36 in) apart, 4 cm (1 1 / 2 in) deep and about 3 seeds per 30 cm (12 in). Firm down soil. Seed prefers 15 C (60 F) for proper germination. Cultivate shallowly as roots are very close to the surface. As corn is a heavy feeder, apply 3258 Corn Fertilizer every 10 days up until harvest.

A 50 gram package will sow approximately 20 m (60 ft) row.