
Iridescent, silvery mauve colour that appears in midsummer. These beautiful pastel tones intensify in fall when bright purple highlights appear. Also supports pollinators and provides winter food, nesting material, and cover for birds. Plant height .6-1.2 m (2-4 ft) with a spread of 60 cm (2 ft).

Planting Instructions
“DO NOT” soak perennial roots before planting!
Separate cedar packing material from roots and discard, it should not go into planting hole.
If you receive your perennials before you are ready to plant, store in refrigerator or a cool spot at approx. 1 C (34 F) until you can plant. Or pot them up right away and transplant into garden once ground is ready.
Soil should be well worked and free of weeds.
When planting, the crown should be set 1 cm (1/2 in) deep and well watered. Seedling plugs (plastic pots), should be transplanted covering plants with 1 cm (1/2 in) of soil also.
T & T Rose & Strawberry fertilizer (10-52-17) and Bone Meal are ideal for perennials.
Cover perennials with straw or leaves for extra winter protection.
As most perennial gardens are planted randomly, spacing is not rigid, but when unsure of distance between plants space them by looking at the height of that particular plant and habit. Usually you are looking at spacing plants at least 30 cm (12 in) apart for shorter plants to 90 cm (3 ft) apart for the taller.

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