
Cheerful and fresh! The light yellow tips provide a lovely contrast with the rusty ring. Ideal as an attractive background or use it as a center-piece in large containers. Plants are 120 cm (4 ft) tall with 12 cm (5 in) blooms. A cutflower gardeners dream.

Planting Instructions

Direct seed in garden after the soil has thoroughly warmed in the spring, covering seed with 1/2 cm (1/4 in) of soil. Keep soil moist until all seedlings appear. For earlier flowers start seed 4 weeks prior to intended date of transplanting outside. Germinates best at 21 C (70 F) in 7 to 10 days. Grow on at 16 C (62 F). Fertilize every 2 weeks with 10-52-17 and liquid seaweed for strong healthy plants. Garden spacing 40 cm (16 in) apart.