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Pumpkin Dilly of a Jack (120 days)



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Big time Jack O’Lantern type pumpkins. Developed at the very same farm that originated and created the world’s largest pumpkin variety “Dill’s Atlantic Giant”. Huge, tall orange pumpkins up to 76-91 cm (2-3 ft) high, 23-32 (50-70 lbs) with some weighing well over 45 k (100 lbs) Large vines, space at least 3m (10 ft) apart per plant, leave only 1-2 specimens per plant for optimum size. Soil should be well prepared and enriched. The perfect extra large novelty field pumpkin for those looking for something special and unique beyond your traditional round types. These select seeds come directly from giants produced at the Dill Family Farm in Windsor, Nova Scotia. Biggest grown to date is 248 lbs.

Planting Instructions
Seed outdoors as soon as danger of frost has past in your area. Cover seed lightly with soil, 2 – 3 seeds together in groups. Space giants at least 3 m (10 ft) apart. For earlier Pumpkins start indoors 2 to 3 weeks in advance of intended date for moving the plants to the garden. Use Jiffy pots so the container and roots can be buried without disturbing the root system. Also make sure the pot is wet when transplanting. Sow 2 seeds per pot and do not thin. Germinates best at 22 C (72 F) in 7 to 10 days. Fertilize for the first 3 weeks with 10-52-17 formula. Pumpkins are ripe once the stem has reached a dark green color and is starting to wither. Ample water is needed for optimum size!

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