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Tomato Mountain Fresh (72 Days)



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Produces good yields of 225 – 335 gram (8 to 12 oz) tomatoes. They are very sweet, firm, smooth, and most of all flavourful. Perfect for salads, slicing, and sandwiches. Crack resistant. Does well in cool or wet climates. It is the most widely grown market tomato and is an excellent choice for home gardens or market growers. Determinate (Bush type – one huge flush of fruit)

Planting Instructions
Start seed indoors 6 – 8 weeks before transplanting out to the garden. Cover seeds with 1/2 cm (1/4 in) of soil. Firm soil over seed. Keep moist but not waterlogged. To germinate maintain a soil temperature of 24 C (75 F). Seed should germinate in 6 – 10 days. Once seeds have sprouted, 14 – 16 hours of light per day is essential. Once plants have reached 12 cm (5 in) transplant to 6 cm (3 in) peat pots. Place the root ball at the bottom of the pot, filling pot with soil will ensure better root development along the stem. Plants will develop better with a growing temperature of 17 C (62 F) until transplanting out. Fertilize weekly with 10-52-17 and liquid seaweed for strong root development. Do not transplant out till night temperatures are warm.

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Tomato Mountain Fresh (72 Days), 100sds, 15sds, 250sds, 50sds