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Kohlrabi Early White Vienna (55 Days)



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A mild, juicy delicious vegetable that tastes like a cross between turnip and cabbage. Great in slaws, dips, as well as cubed, steamed and sauteed.

Planting Instructions
Seed outdoors as soon as weather and soil conditions permit. Cover seed lightly with soil, 6-7 seeds per 1ft. of row. Average garden soil and a sunny location are ideal. Thin to 1ft. apart when 3 in. high. For earlier Kohlrabi start indoors 2 to 3 weeks in advance of intended date for moving the plants to the garden. Germinates best at 21°C in 7-10 days. Reduce temperature after germination to 15°C and provide additional light to help prevent stretching and to tone up plants before transplanting outside. Several sowings of Kohlrabi 10 days apart ensure a fresh supply into fall.

Growing Kohlrabi Guide

Shipping And Packaging

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Packet Size

125g, 25g, 3g