
Easier to germinate! Plants have a scented foliage and will produce loads of blue fragrant flowers on 12 in. spreading plants. Very uniform plant habit–ideal for landscape accents!

How to Enjoy Your Lavender

  • Lavender can be dried and used for bath soaks, in the kitchen, and for fragrance.
  • Dry your lavender to keep it longer: Harvest it for drying once it has just a couple of open flowers on the stems. Cut them in the morning, once dew-free but not overly dry from the sun. Bunch the lavender, tie the ends, and hang upside down to dry. You want them to be dried in a dark space with good air-flow and no dust! Once dry, you can remove the flowers and use.
  • Sprinkle them in a bath, or make a natural bath salt soak with lavender.
  • You can put them in a small bag to naturally scent your linens.
  • In the Kitchen: You can make Lavender infused ice cubes, Lavender lemonade, Lavender Infused Sugar and so much more!

Planting Instructions
A much easier Lavender to germinate. Start seeds 3 to 4 weeks before intended date of transplanting outside. Lightly cover the seed. Germinates best at 21°C usually in 10-14 days. Most herbs prefer a sunny and not to wet location. Try to locate plants where they will get 5 hours of direct sunlight each day. Herbs usually grow well in almost any soil but tend to thrive in light sandy soil that has been enriched with peatmoss or leafmold and a moderate amount of fertilizer. Fertilize every 2 weeks with rose-strawberry-10-52-17 water soluble fertilizer. Garden spacing 12 in. apart.