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Organic Seaweed Powder (2-5-2)




Organic Seaweed. Punches up the quality of all plants and makes other fertilizers work better. Contains natural growth enhancers, amino acids and micro-nutrients. Punches-up blooms, crop yield, taste, disease and insect resistance , germination rate, frost resistance. It is that good!

30 gram package will make 20L/5 gal  litres of concentrate, which in turn will make 300 litres of usable fertilizer. Easy-to-mix.

1/4 tsp = 1 gr

30 gram package will make 4.5 litres of concentrate. From this you mix again and it will make 300 litres of usable fertilizer.

1 tbsp concentrate mix into a gallon of water to make your usable fertilizer.

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Packet Size

250 g, 30 g, 250g, 30g